When 97.5 percent of milk — 149.7 billion pounds of the total 153.4 billion pounds of 2017 MPP-Dairy production history — was signed up at the $4 coverage level, it was clear that the Margin...
John Wooden, a highly successful basketball coach for the UCLA Bruins, is quoted to have said: “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”
During our careers, we’ve had the privilege of seeing not just one, but several new plant genetic technologies dramatically change the crop production landscape
Ben Powers was high individual at the 2015 National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. He was also High Individual in reasons and earned a perfect 50 when he delivered this set of reasons in the actual contest
Jenna Metzler provides her oral reasons that she used in the 2015 National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. She earned a score of 49 in the actual contest on these oral reasons
Sarah Thomas gives a set of oral reasons after competing at the 2015 National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. She earned a perfect score on the class placing, and a 49 on her reasons score
As farm gate milk prices remain below the cost of production for the vast majority of U.S. dairy farmers, dairy replacements waiting to join the milking herd continue to be at historic highs
Most dairy producers invest in an automatic milking system to reduce the need for hired labor. As an added bonus, many herds milked with robots go up in production
In the past several years, selective dry cow treatment has gained some prevalence in the industry as an alternative to the more common blanket dry cow treatment, which has been the gold standard for mastitis...
Automated milking systems have become top of mind for many of us who milk cows. While these installations come with a steep up-front cost, the reduced labor needs and associated predictability in milking...
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, arguably the most liberal court in the nation, ruled in favor of Idaho agriculture on critical issues in protecting their private property rights